Harbour Light Haven Prince Edward Island
© Harbour Light Haven, Prince Edward Island

Attractions in the vacinity of

Harbour Light Haven

More attractions that are near Harbour Light Haven will

soon be listed on this page.

Attractions within walking distance from Harbour Light Haven

Fisherman’s Wharf Lobster Suppers (900 m) Blue Mussel Cafe (700 m) Bearded Skipper Deep Sea Fishing (950 m) Aiden’s Deep Sea Fishing (600 m)

Golf Courses near North Rustico (or see all PEI golf courses)

Green Gables Golf Course (9.5 km) Anderson Creek Golf Course (16.7 km) Red Sands Golf Course (24 km) Eagles Glenn Golf Resort (11 km) Forest Hills Golf Course (10.7 km)

Attractions nearby

Green Gables Heritage Place (8.3 km)
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Harbour Light Haven Prince Edward Island
© Harbour Light Haven

Attractions in the

vacinity of Harbour

Light Haven

Attractions within walking distance from Harbour

Light Haven

Fisherman’s Wharf Lobster Suppers (900 m) Blue Mussel Cafe (700 m) Bearded Skipper Deep Sea Fishing (950 m) Aiden’s Deep Sea Fishing (600 m)

Attractions nearby

Green Gables Heritage Place (8.3 km)

Golf Courses near North Rustico (or see all PEI

golf courses)

Green Gables Golf Course (9.5 km) Anderson Creek Golf Course (16.7 km) Red Sands Golf Course (24 km) Eagles Glenn Golf Resort (11 km) Forest Hills Golf Course (10.7 km)